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Privacy Policy

Women Who Slay is committed to, and fully respects the privacy of its viewers, customers and all of our article features.  By visiting Women who slay or accessing and using our services, you are accepting and in agreement to the practices described in the policy and our cookie policy below. If you do not accept and agree to the terms below, please stop using this website immediately.


The term 'we' 'our' 'us' refers to the company women who slay.


Why we need your information

We collect only the necessary information given voluntarily by you that will enable us to fulfil our service provision:

Our customer orders,

Subscription to our newsletter,

Signing up to courses, workshops, events

And/ or via other communication  such as email list


Through our website or other online platforms such as social media.


Membership site

We may use your information in other instances such as to notify you of any relevant updates, offers, news, feedback questionaries around your experiences in engaging with us. This includes but not in isolation to undertaking one or more of our courses, attending a workshop or event and changes and development to women who slay. 

We also use our collected information to provide insight into our featured content with their absolute full individual consent.


Why we need to have your personal data

We need to have your data to fulfil our obligations and to process your orders and for subscriptions for emails and newsletters it will be necessary for us to have:

* Your name

*Your address

*Telephone Number

*Email Address


We will also need to ask for: 

1) Delivery address 
2) Biling Address

3) Credit card details on points of completion to any orders, on booking workshops,courses,membership site  and on attending events.

*Women Who Slay does not have access to any of your credit card details.  All credit card payments to women who slay are processed securely via PayPal. Your payment details is protected exclusively by PayPal.*


We will not disclose your information to any third party unless it is absolutely necessary to our being able to complete your orders, deliver a service without your full agreement and with the full understanding that your details be kept confidential in line with their privacy policy : i.e, Delivery and/or Credit checks.


We will not sell on or pass on any of the above information disclosed by you without your express permission to do so.


Sensitive Data

There will be some instances in which we may be required to make sensitive data request. This will likely to occur when submitting a request relating to our membership, events and forum.  In this instance we will require your explicit consent before we do. Failure to agree to this request under the terms of the contract by law and by us and you may result in us not being able to proceed with providing you with the the service you ordered. You will be notified by us in the event.


We do not request, process or collect sensitive data which relates to your religion, trade union membership, health, race or ethnic origin, sexual origin, political beliefs, genetics, biometrics, sex life or sexual orientation, criminal offences and convictions.


In What other situations do we use your information


We will only disclose your personal data to designated employee/s who will have to sign a confidential agreement before being able to do so and only in as it relates to they being able to carry out our service fulfilment requirements to our customers. And in other instances if required to do so by law or to protect yours, us,  our other service users legal rights.



Our site, and our services, our written materials and our products are not intended for use by users under the age of 18 (eighteen). In event of such cases arising Women Who Slay retain the right to refuse purchase of any product, services and subscription request.


Accessing your Information

Under the  data It is your right if you wish to verify correct, update or withdraw consent  to the use of any of the information which Women Who Slay holds about you.

This can be rectified by 1) Contacting us via  email  at

2) If you hold an account via our forum, you can edit your personal data/membership page.

If you have any other queries, feedback, complaint please get in touch on the above email. 



It is your choice to unsubscribe/opt out of subscriptions for our membership sites at any time. Such as:

Emails - You can do this simply by following the instructions contained within your email.


Courses & Workshops

Membership to Women Who Slay Sqad

If you have any problems, please contact us via email at and we will remove/delete your details from all correspondence.




When accessing  our site you will be notified of our website usage of cookies . Cookies are  small files that is stored on your computer and are sent by us to your computer or other devices, such as a smartphone, ipad. We use cookies to gather analytics of traffic to our site and to help us to provide, improve the features and your experience of our site.

You will have a clear option to acknowledge this by a request being made seeking acknowledgement . By clicking on the box you will be choosing to opt in. However, by choosing not to will not limit you from accessing our site, but please be aware that you may be limited in the using of some of our features. 

Other third party advertisers which are  present on our website will also use cookies, although the women who slay website operation is not dependent on these third party sites, they will aid in your experience and our providing a more rewarding service to you, our users.

However, you can choose to enable or disable cookies in your internet browser.  For help on how to do this r​efer to the instructions which came with your devise or in the 'help' menu, the ICO website or here.


Changes to Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change and amend our privacy policy at any time or as required to do so by law.  All changes will therefore be updated and posted on this website. 











© 2022 Women Who Slay Ltd|  Terms of Use  |  Privacy Policy

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