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4 min read
How To Embrace A Growth Mindset As An Entrepreneur
When people talk about the things required to start a business, they often mention things like a great idea, a target audience and...

3 min read
How To Stop Playing The Waiting Game and Start Before You're Ready
When it comes to taking action on turning our dreams or goals into a reality most people are stuck in a perpetual mode of waiting.

3 min read
Are You Dating a Narcissist? Here's 5 Red Flags You Need To Watch Out For!
Hey Slayer, we have added a new topic in our 'Life' section on the Women Who Slay Journal. Not only is it a long time coming. But, the...

3 min read
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
In essence you have two minds which are your conscious and subconscious. Your conscious mind deals with your daily interactions with the...

2 min read
What Is Anxiety?
It is completely natural to feel anxious before a dental visit or starting something new? Most of us will experience tension before...

3 min read
Ready to Launch Your Business? Here's Where To Start
Whether you are looking to turn your passion into a side hustle, or to being your own boss, starting your own business is an opportunity...

3 min read
Cheerleaders or Dreamstealers? What To Do if Your Family and Friends Are Unsupportive
Our family and friends play an important role in our life. They share our victories and defeats. They cheer us on when we’re struggling...

3 min read
6 Game Changing Hacks That Will Revamp Your Diet
If you're in the process of upgrading your nutrition to a healthier diet it can feel intimidating with all the mind boggling and...

2 min read
4 Ways to Declutter Your Mind
When it comes to decluttering we all know how incredible freeing it is to sell, gift, donate or simply to throw away used items that is...

3 min read
Thinking Of Starting a Business? Here's 4 Mindset Shifts You Must Make Before You Launch
We all know that taking a leap and starting a successful business begins with having a lucrative idea and enough funds to launch and...

2 min read
5 Easy Ways to Increase Your Motivation and Achieve Success
If you find yourself wanting to have and feel more motivated in order to do and achieve your dreams and goals you are not alone, as...

2 min read
4 Ways Self-Care Can Lead To Success
Showing yourself some TLC is usually the first thing that gets erased from our all important to-do list and replaced for things seen as...
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3 min read
4 Easy Ways to Live an Empowered Life
Empowerment is such an over used statement at present that some people may actually be mistaken as to what it actually means. As an...
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3 min read
No Motivation To Start Exercising? Here's 10 Reasons Why You Should Make Fitness Your New Priority
We all know that there are an immense amount of benefits of exercising - above all, that it's great for our overall health. But knowing...

4 min read
Here's How To Choose The Right Side Hustle For You
Making extra money is usually the main motivation for starting a side hustle and in doing a quick search on Google you will find endless...
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3 min read
How to Build a Gratitude Attitude
While we might have limitations in terms of what our bodies are capable of and abiding by the rules and regulations of the society we’re...

3 min read
What Changes Would You Like to Experience in the Next Five Years?
What do you want to change in the next five years? It’s a big question and one that can be difficult to answer. After all, five years is...

2 min read
6 Attributes of a Great Leader to Adopt in the Workplace
When we think of leadership, we often think of historical figures such as Martin Luther King Jr. Winston Churchill or Coco Chanel . Or...

2 min read
5 Simple, Safe And Natural Ways To Boost Your Energy Levels
Our increasingly busy lifestyles both in and outside of work are placing more demands on us than ever. All of this extra strain can...
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2 min read
How To Gain Confidence In Your Own Abilities And Instincts
Gaining confidence in your own abilities and instincts is key to tapping into your potential and in to the greatness that lies within you....
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