Slayers this is our FIRST post of 2021 and Happy New Year to you all. We know that we are living it quite challenging times and many of you are going through personal battles that no-one knows about. But, we want you to know that we have your back every step of the way and this year we are making a conscious effort to provide you with blog posts that will inspire and empower you to take positive action in your life, business and career.
No matter the setbacks, 2021 can and will be your year. Let's affirm it, let's envision it and let's believe that everything and anything is possible.
More vitally, let's do this together.
There were periods over the last year where things felt even too much for us to bear. Personal strife's were taking their toll (some will remain private) some we will share with you all. Through it all, we maintained the belief that we could get ourselves from underneath it.
This brand has given us strength, direction and has made life that more exciting as we explore different ways to get our message across. So we will be launching our podcast, courses, conducting more lives and giving you wholesome content from the heart.
We want to thank every single person who has bought from our stores, read our blog posts, signed up to our challenges, sent us an email or engaged with us on our numerous social media platforms.
We love and appreciate you.

So from our heart to yours, let's make 2021 our best year yet, let's wake up and slay and let's thrive!
Love & Light,
Sasha & Syianne