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Are You Dating a Narcissist? Here's 5 Red Flags You Need To Watch Out For!

Writer's picture: Women Who SlayWomen Who Slay

Updated: Oct 30, 2024

Hey Slayer, we have added a new topic in our 'Life' section on the Women Who Slay Journal. Not only is it a long time coming. But, the topic we have chosen to launch it with is a very important one, There are many women who are currently in relationships where their partner is narcisstic and it is having a major effect on their overall self-esteem. If you're reading this, this post may be what you have needed to read to help you evaluate your current situation and to help you make an informed decision about your relationship.

We have come up with 5 red flags (but of course, there are many more) that you can use as a guide to help you gain more insight as to whether your partner has narcisstic tendencies and whether they're something you should be tolerating,

A narcissistic partner is someone who is excessively self-centred and obsessed with themselves. They constantly seek attention and validation from others and have little regard for anyone else’s feelings or needs.

Narcissistic partners can be highly controlling and manipulative, often using emotional manipulation to get what they want. They may also gaslight their partners, making them question their reality and memory.

Disclaimer: If you suspect your partner may be narcissistic, it is essential to seek professional help so that you can learn how to best deal with this challenging personality type.

Here are 5 red flags to look out for:

1. They have an excessive need for admiration and attention.

Narcissistic partners are extreme in their need for attention and admiration. It can manifest as a need to be the centre of everyone's universe, but more so yours!. They have a belief that they are superior to others and/or have a constant desire for affirmation and approval. This doesn't only happen once in a while, but happens more regularly than you want to admit and each time it happens, it makes you increasingly uncomfortable and on edge.

* While it is perfectly normal to want some level of attention and admiration from our partner, narcissists take this to an extreme, often needing constant reassurance and validation.

2. A lack of empathy

They are incapable of being empathetic and are often indifferent to the feelings of others. Narcissists have an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for excessive admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. But what does that look like in a relationship?

* A narcissistic partner is often dismissive and critical, which can make their partner feel invisible. They may also be quick to anger and incapable of seeing things from another person’s perspective. As a result, their partners often feel emotionally drained and unsupported.

3. Manipulative

They take advantage of people and exploit them for their gain. Narcissists are often very charming at first, but eventually their true colours show.

* They are manipulative and controlling and take advantage of people to get what they want. If you are in a relationship with a narcissist, you must know their behaviour to protect yourself from being exploited.

4. Illusion of Grandeur

They have a grandiose sense of self-importance. Narcissistic partners often have a grandiose sense of superiority. They may exaggerate their achievements and talents and expect to be recognized as superior.

* They often become angry or disappointed when they feel they are not receiving the recognition they deserve.

* Narcissistic partners may also be control freaks, expecting their partner to conform to their standards and meet their needs without regard for their partner’s wants or needs.

* As you can see, narcissistic partners can be difficult. If you’re in a relationship with someone who exhibits these tendencies, setting boundaries and learning how to deal with their ego is essential. Otherwise, you may feel overwhelmed and unimportant.

5. They exhibit patterns of intense and unstable relationships, often switching quickly from idealisation to devaluation. Narcissists often idealise their partners at the beginning of a relationship, seeing them as perfect and unconditionally loving.

* However, over time, they may nit pick and find fault with their partner. They may also withdraw their affection and become emotionally distant.

* Idealisation followed by devaluation is often referred to as “love bombing.” If you are in a relationship with someone who loves bombs, you must be aware of the warning signs to protect yourself from getting hurt.

* A narcissistic partner is overly self-centred and preoccupied with themselves. In addition, narcissistic relationships can be exceedingly manipulative and domineering.

If you’re with someone who exhibits these traits, you should either learn how to deal with them or move on. Narcissists often take advantage of their partners by being manipulative and controlling. If you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, you should know their behaviour to protect yourself from being exploited.

Pay attention to these red flags to help you make an informed decision about the future of your relationship.

By|womenwhoslay @womenwhoslay


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