Step 1: Take inventory Creating a vision for yourself and your life first requires you to ask yourself "what it is that gives my life meaning, purpose, and joy?" It is important that you be completely transparent about what you do and do not want. So often I hear people say, I want to be happy, yet they have no clue what will actually make them happier. They haven’t plotted out of the things that make them feel good and instead choose to focus on all the things that make them unhappy. In order to create the future you want you need to really be clear on what you want, set a series of goals to help you move towards them and be consistent in your actions. Then take time to check in on yourself and read what it is you set out to achieve as you will fall off course again and lose sight of what you initially set your sights on.

Step 2: Look to your talents. Look to your abilities.

What makes you smile the instant you think of doing it? It is not difficult to determine what your special ability, gift or interest is. Simply ask yourself: "What do I look forward to more than anything else in the world?" If you can establish what that thing or those things are, you can ultimately begin to start tapping into them and finding more ways to incorporate them into your life. Of course, in life as adults we have endless responsibilities that we have to take care of and as a result, we struggle to find time for the things we are passionate about. For you this could be photography, beauty and make-up, fashion, cooking. The list of your talents is perhaps endless. What you need to aim to do is to take; as little as 20 minutes doing the things you love and you may find that you are able to begin to find ways to generate a revenue from it. Making time for the things you love is not only a sign of self care, but it also a great way for you to keeping you happy and more focused which in turn will help you to create a better life and ultimately a better future.
Step 3: Enjoy the journey and pay attention

As you begin a new day today, always keep in mind everything that you have written down and envisioned for your better future. Although you probably do not have the means to immediately jump into your goals and plans above, you can still start working towards a new reality by thinking of the outcomes while you are doing your best today. A great way to look keep your minds eye fixed on what your future may look like is the focus on enjoying the process and the daily steps you are taking to move you towards them.
Too many people are living in the future, imagining what may happen and by doing that, they are losing sight of the joys and successes of today. So many of us are wishing away our days, hoping things will change and hating the now. If you choose to focus on all the things of today that are getting you down how can working on creating a better tomorrow?
Of course you will still have to go to work today in the job that you would rather not have, deal with some problems, and do the things you must do that you would rather not be doing, etc. but your job now is to do them with vigor, with excitement, with "knowing" that your future will change according to your vision when you are ready and committed to actively pursuing it.
Step 4: Create a vision board

You may be into crafts and enjoy the process of flicking through magazines to help you to manifest the car, the house and the career or entrepreneurial venture you want for yourself, cutting and sticking images onto coloured card. Or you may be like me and like to keep things a little simple. Manifestation involves you imagining what your life may look like and adding a visual representation to it to allow you to create a clearer picture of it in your mind's eye. That is the great thing about vision boards.
They allow you to map out different areas of your life with visual images that you can review daily to remind yourself of your path and the importance of keeping going, especially when you feel like giving up. If you are on a tight budget, Pinterest is a great tool you can use to help you start your vision board journey as it provides you with blank boards and the ability to search any image on Pinterest itself or you can upload pictures from free image websites like Pixabay or Pexels. Or if you are feeling ‘plush’ you can use a mood board website called Print Manifest a site that allows you to choose the size board you want, drag and drop images on to it and then submit it to them to print for under £20 quid! (Isn’t it nice to have options?)
Bonus Step: Show Gratitude Daily

The act of showing gratitude is one that has been taught for centuries and millions of people around the world have spoken of what it has done for their lives. Giving thanks for what you already have may be difficult, especially as you may not be completely happy with what you have currently manifested within your life. Nonetheless, you can change this and the action of either verbally saying what you are grateful for or dedicating a small book to it or downloading our FREE Gratitude printable and writing down what you are grateful for on there. You will be amazed at how more hopeful you feel and open to more blessings presenting themselves within your life.