Are You A kick-ass Babe at Life?....
A goal-getter excited about the chase and working daily to make s**t happen in both your personal and professional ventures....
Un-apologetically ambitious and passionate about your career and/or business and able to handle whatever life throws at you....
Developing positive personal and professional relationships....
Confident in yourself and your abilities....
Making money and pro-actively pursuing financial freedom....
A badass making empowering life choices with daily practices that ensures she has a good ass....
A slayer committed to living a no-limit life....
Or Is Life Kicking You?......
Playing small and not taking up your full space in any area of your life....
Unsure of WHO you are, WHAT you want to do and HAVE in your life....
Procrastinating and not taking PRO-ACTIVE ACTION....
Grinding Like Crazzzzy, but failing to make s**t happen....
Tired of being tired and of making poor decisions which have an adverse effect on your overall wellbeing (emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually and financially)
Feeling locked into your 9-5 grind with no idea of how to get out....
You Only Have One Life To Live, Are YOU Ready To Start Living It?
If you're tired of playing small.... living a life of mediocrity .... not truly OWNING your personal power and is now ready to stand tall, stand out and take up your FULL space in 2022 and beyond but don't know how to begin. Don't worry, we've got YOU.
"But I've heard it all before, I've done the course, read that book, bought that damn t-shirt!!!"

Only a few years ago we were just like you.....overwhelmed with self-doubt, lost, and fearful we lacked focused direction.We too felt trapped emotionally, financially and mentally in a life that was far less than what we both knew we were truly capable of living.
Other people's opinions, and perceived 'limitations'of our capabilities on what we could achieve along with our own, dominated our life.
"A great future doesn't require a great past"
Fast forward two years and what's changed? We did! We finally took control of our personal power and looked within. We transformed from the inside out, and focused like hell on liberating our mindset from the negativity in our environment as well as in our own minds.
We SLAYED our fears, we recognised our worth, committed to living a 'no-limit' life and un-apologetically ambitious, we began chasing our dreams.
We OWNED OUR SPACE! We said "HELL NO!"to the naysayers and dream stealers. "YES!", to ourselves and our shared goals of using what we've learned to empower other women to not just survive, but to thrive!.

If you are ready to be a bad-ass living a no-limit life and are ready to say...
"HELL NO!" to playing small and dimming your light just to fit in.
"HELL YES!" to KICK ASS confidence and becoming fully comfortable in your own skin.
"HELL YES!" to SLAYING limiting beliefs and creating a success mindset?
"HELL YES!" to becoming FEAR-LESS in designing and living the dream life you truly want?
Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?" Actually who are you not to be? Marianne Williamson

We know that change can be overwhelming, (We've been there), but you won't be alone. We will be with you every step of the way, supporting, guiding, cheering and most importantly holding you accountable as you unlock your inner greatness and create the authentic life and the YOU, you deserve to be.
"No matter where you live or how old you are, you can decide to change your life.
That's amazing."
Angelina Jolie
Coaching Overview
Our 3 months Immersive 'Own Your Space' Transformation & Mindset
Coaching Package and 6 months Extensive 'Own Your Space' Transformation Package is completely flexible according to each clients needs and where they are on their journey, and is delivered by certified and trained coaches. Some of what is included:
* How to embrace change
* Slay limiting beliefs
* Create a success mindset
* Design an identity and meaningful life that is authentic to YOU
* Find your 'why' the motivation that will drive and keep you going on the path to uncovering your greatness
* Align with your values
* Talk yourself up! (Positive self talk)
* Become fear-less and develop self-confidence and self-worth
* Find your passion and true purpose and take daily, weekly and monthly realistic steps in turning your dream into reality.
* Become a high-vibe slayer committed to living a no-limit life
& much more....
Overview of Sessions
3 Months Immersive Coaching Package
*Pre-Coaching Questionnaire.
*1:1 Coaching session lasting 60 mins via Zoom/Teams.
*1 scheduled 30 minutes weekly call. (check-in)
*Unlimited email and/or voice notes/text access for the times you need to make an enquiry, need extra support or to celebrate those kick-ass moments when you've made a breakthrough.
*Bespoke content/worksheets in-between sessions designed to stimulate deeper insights and create lasting changes.
3 Months Immersive Own Your Space Coaching Package £800 *Monthly Payment Plans Available
Extensive Coaching Package (6 months)
*Please note: Limited spaces available.
*Pre-Coaching Pack.
*1:1 Coaching Session Lasting 60 mins (if applicable) every fortnight via Skype or Zoom.
*1 x 30 minutes Weekly Call.
*Unlimited email and/or voice notes/ text access for the times you need to make an enquiry, need extra support or to celebrate those kick-ass moments when you've made a breakthrough.
*Bespoke actionable content in-between sessions designed to stimulate deeper insights and create lasting changes.
6 Extensive Coaching Package £1800 *Monthly Payment Plans Available*